Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Old Man

Worn, weathered faces are so interesting to draw. Each line, tells a unique story.

"I have been bent and broken, but - I hope -
into a better shape."
   Great Expectations
Charles Dickens

                                     Watercolor, pen & ink on paper

Tuesday, March 08, 2016

This is the day. . .

I have had the The The (an underrated 80's synth-pop group) song, "This is the Day", running through my head like an earworm.  For some reason, it made me think of little Eeyore.  Does he ever think, this is the day his life will surely change? And then his inside voice goes, "I dunno Pooh, I suppose. . ."  These are the questions that keep me up at night.

This picture started out with me doodling some calligraphy, using Diamine Ancient Copper ink (I just love, looooove this ink).  Even though I got the lyrics (and anyone who knows me, knows I have a propensity to butcher song lyrics), it still works.

                           Pen & Ink on Rhodia dot 21.2 lbs paper 8.25x12.5